
15 Cheapest Universities In Europe

cheapest universities in europe


Holla! Checking out for the a list of cheap universities in Europe? First wake got you! We just made a compilation of 15 cheapest universities in this wholly revered continent, and trust us to have made the best list for you!., shall we begin the grand discovery ?


Well you’d be looking out for cheap universities, well I was looking out for a better yet option for you. Heard of the free university of Berlin? No, no..I ain’t bluffing right now. Yeah’s free ! The top rated university,located in Germany, Central Europe offers free studies to its citizens. Also known as FU-BERLIN, it’s a research university, known internationally for its research in the humanities and social sciences as well. But..oops! It’s only free for its citizens, but cheer up, its tuition fees are also quite affordable.


SAINT ANNA is quite known also for their lower tuition and overall fees for students, both local and international.


Located in Pisa, Italy, the school has two main programs which are experimental and applied science; social sciences.

Well like all things , studying in saint Anna requires a little bit of a thing – having a decent knowledge of Italian language. Although there a couple of courses taught in English, this university has a huge preference on conducting their school works mainly in Italian,so knowing a decent amount of Italian will do you a lotta good


OH! This takes us back to Germany again. Beginning to seem to me that Germany got a thing for free / subsidized universities and colleges.what do you think?lol.

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The university of göttingen is known for it large scale study of humanities, natural science, law and social sciences,some of which are in English!

The cost of tuition fee In this university is a meager $350 dollar per semester.amazing, ain’t it?


Vienna ! Must have heard of this awesome city someway or the other right?the st Stephen’s cathedral, the hofburg, etc. well one more thing you probably unaware of is the fact that the university of vienna, Austria is widely known for its affordable fees. Yeah! And also many of these courses are taught in English that’s a big advantage I must say.

Vienna university is tuition free! Well you will have to pay 740 euros, that’s around $820 per semester as processing fee, little sacrifice I must say. The town also is quite famous for its nightlife, friendly citizens and culture, Vienna is fun town!


And our fifth choice is the quite popular nord university. Funded by public, it’s totally tuition free for both local and international students. With just a little sacrifice by foreign students which is a substantial proof of your ability to fund your stay in Norway.

The current cost of living is quite fair enough, $14,000 per year is not really an eyesore, considering the fast rate of cost of living around the world. Programs in nord university includes animation, games, and entertainment technology, etc..


If you’ve always had an educational obsession, or just badly wanted to ever be in France, this for you. Nantes university charges a processing fee of $200 (two hundred dollar) per semester. No I ain’t bluffing! Haha. To top it, cost of living is amazingly fairly low, around $680- $750 per month .

Most popular courses offered includes health and medical technology, engineering, and political science.


Always wanted to have a real view of the Eiffel Tower? School in Paris? Well we just brought you one of the best options from our compilations.

The university of Paris sud is one of the cheapest universities in Europe. Wholly in English, with a touch of a little French , their mainly English programs includes economics, physics, etc.

Well as you know, Paris is quite a large city and the cost of living,as expected is quite high. The lower tuition fees (around $200 per semester) gives quite a balance to the whole financial equation.


This name sounds a familiar ring..uhm ..Greece ! . The university of Athens, located in Athens, Greece is a tuition free university for both local and international student combined.

The blooper is, you will need to have a more than basic understanding of Greek, as all courses are taught in Greek.oops right? Well there is a sizable international community of English speakers in that birthplace of philosophy. The popular courses of study includes phill, medicine,science and engineering.


Switzerland is a beautiful country , and the university of Basel is known for its conducive study environment. Founded in 1940, it is Switzerland’s oldest university and also made it to our list of cheap European universities.

Most programs are taught with a sort of mix in both English and German language, so having a fluency in both will do you a lotta good. University of Basel’s tuition fees goes for $850 per semester. Main courses taught are political science, psychology and economics.


Well that confirms it, Germany is a ho,e for affordable universities. German proficiency is a need at wüzburg. Although there a handful of English taught courses. The university of wüzburg charges a small processing fee of €130, roughly around $147 per semester. molecular and computational biology is a recommendation by the university’s first wüzburg.


Wow! Who would have believed it! Moscow is Russia’s capital, and not to stereotype though, but the Russians are known as “hard guys” . Well guess this a soft spot you were quite unaware of.

MSUPE’s tuition fees is well subsidized, considering its international standard. Though with a limit- they take only psychology and education subjects.

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Tuition fee is $2,500 a year, honestly not such a bad deal


Located at the heart of beloved Stockholm, in Sweden is also notable for its mouth watery tuition rate, quite affordable to be honest. It goes for $5,000 per year, and also students (whether local or international) are allowed quite a couple of hours for work/shifts.


Oh well, we back to Germany again. We have to give kudos to this Western Europe country for its glaring love for education, showing In its educational system affordability.

The university, located in Heidelberg’s tuition fee goes for as low as $328 for undergraduate studies and $1000 for post graduate.


The famous painter’s got a university to his name ? Wow! . Wait, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of this name, ugh.

Well that aside, the university is located at Brussels, Belgium; with an undergraduate tuition fee of 750 USD / year and a cost of living which goes for 756-1450 USD per year as well, da Vinci college is really one university you shouldn’t let slide.


And our last Choice of affordable universities goes to Novosibirsk.

Always had a thinfor Russia? Well then this university offers you a chance you can’t afford to miss plus its educational top up which is on international standard.

Undergraduate tuition goes for 3,000 USD / year for undergraduate, with a level of first world learning optimization, trust me it’s worth the cost.

So what are y’all waiting for, grab a choice today, enjoy fun time!!


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