
Requirements For Studying In Canada As International Student

Requirements For Studying In Canada As International Student


From the university of Toronto, to mc gills to the university of Alberta, Canada has proven to have top notch world standard universities. Apprentices of academia troop in their thousands from all over the world to acquire educational armors. If you’re reading this, I guess on a percentage of 80-100 that’s it’s because you’re want to find out the requirements needed for one to get into one of these gigantic educational structures. Holla !! got your back. In a jiffy we’d get into the world of discovery, ready?? But first of all

Why You Should Study In Canada

Like I briefly stated above, Canada till date remains one of the greatest places of study in any known field of knowledge. Their acceptance of non-Canadian citizens and educational base for all and sundry is quite impressive. They also give quality attention to research and awesome postgraduate opportunities for students who did intents and made discoveries. They also as well provide their students with all equipment, tutors and backups they will need for the research. Tell you a secret,even the writer has plans on studying in Canada! amazing right? So let’s go!


Except your goal is to study /get admitted in a Canadian university on scholarship (which we’d be talking about later), it’s important, very important to have quite a stable finance, or financier if you are going on a parent/sponsor.


I do think it’s also quite important to compare the rate of the Canadian dollar to the value of your country’s currency(as a non Canadian aspiring student)I’m a Nigerian and mine goes for 327.12 Nadia to a dollar, at the time of writing this article. Woah, that’s quite heavy an amount, you all we trying to state here is to know your financial ability to the standard of things over there. Although universities in Canada allows student to work outside study schedules(even menial jobs) imma advice you to be quite Buoyant in capital, because it’s quite hard working and studying at same time, Andy not everyone can cope, which will lead to a slide in your grades. Hope you got that?


Well apart from the finance, you should know that your eligibility matters. Eligibility might be a strange word to some folks so imma break it down. It simply means the state of having the right thing to do or obtaining something through satisfaction of the appropriate , in this case, educational standard of the Canadian universities.

Here is a list of your dream’s eligibility yardsticks:

You need to be a graduate with 50 % score from a UGC or AICTE recognized university. (Postgraduate)


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You must have completed your course within the stipulated year of the course given by the university board. For example, Bsc,computer sci is a four year course in Nigeria. For a university eligibility, you are expected to have completed the course study within four years and not more.

10 backlogs : the Canadian university aspiring student should not have more…ohh wait, I forgot to explain what backlogs are. In educational terms, backlogs are said to be courses one wasn’t able to clear in an exam,it’s popularly known in most institutions as ‘carry over’ courses.

So to be eligible for a study in Canada, the client should have had only 10 or less than carry overs in the sum of all his/her session (these requirements are for postgraduate student).

So what does the admission process be like? Let’s talk about it.


All universities/colleges in Canada offer three intakes. Intake 1, which is also known as the fall semester. It starts in the month of September’s, Intake two, which starts between January and lingers to February, and Intake 3 alias summer commences from April to May, although it is available for only limited programs and some colleges.


After knowing this ,the next step you should take is to research your options. This includes deciding your course of study, the most conducive or suitable university for your course, it’s cost, the opportunity that comes with studying in that particular college,etc etc.

After this, you should then make a list(about 8 will be ok) of study programs that catches your fancy for final decision.


get your self Straight up on working your ego off on preparation of the eloquent tests that you will be sitting for, in order to gain entry into your specified university,this includes IELTS/GRE, etc, depending on your desired colleges‘ requirement.register for your test, prepare rigorously for it, put in hard work and scale through with smiles.


LIke I’ve been emphasizing since the start up of this article, finance is very important,even if you’re a scholarship beneficiary. Remember you’re going to a no-man’s-land for you. I do bet a thousand you have less than 3 relatives in Canada and not more than one ready to always help, so you see, make a balance of your capital and it will save you a lotta stress over there.


contact the university(ies) of your choice directly for their stipulated requirement(s). Note that each institute has a unique requirement process and you must try your best to meet up if you want to get admitted.


once you get your admission letters rolling in (I’m assuming you have been offered admission in more than 1 institute), choose the university you wish to apply to. Then pay your admission acceptance fee. Ps: it is non-refundable.

Your next step which might be quite tough or relatively easy (depending on your nation of origin/country)

Ok, so what do you need to get a student Canadian student visa ?. Firstwaka has made this burden more stress free for you! Below is a list for Canada student visa requirements.

  1. A valid passport
  2. Statement of purpose
  3. An academic reference
  4. Your choices institution acceptance letter
  5. A certificate of out-of-educational achievement
  6. Study permit and visa
  7. A capability of fluent English speaking (it being Canada’s official lingua)
  8. A proof of your financial ability for study
Note: if there are any additional processes or procedures ,your university is sure to let you know prior to your application (I.e before you applied)
So holla! These are the requirements in totality,needed for studying in Canada.
But, you might be wondering,for those who plan on school-working, on the eligibility of it. Well there are just a couple of rules to it, outlined below
  1. The student must be above the international standard accepted age of adulthood, I.e 18
  2. Students are permitted to work off/on campus for up to 20hr during the university!! Now this is a,amazing honestly ?. Also the student is allowed to work full time on sessions/semester break.
This shows how much revered the student welfare is, and a very positive and elative sign of a working country.
  1. Foreign students who’s field of study requires work experience are not only allowed to work, but encouraged too. Eg, internship programs. Also for students who came over with their spouse(did I mention it’s allowed??well it is), their partners are given same opportunities to earn a living.
So what are you waiting for ?? Apply a Canadian university today and see you soaring eagle like in academia clouds. Enjoy fun time!

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