
Tourist visa to Finland from Philippines

Tourist visa to Finland from Philippines


Finland is big time luxurious nation, pleasant for visits at any time of the calender, and A trip
from the Philippines to schengen Finland is approximated to take 15hrs 40 minutes. With
the fabulous and well known northern lights, Amazing snow-filled landscape and the chance
to ski in the Lapland, (for winter) one cannot afford to lose such opportunity if it pokes out a
head. So, what are the necessaries one would need to get a tourist visa from to Finland from
the Philippines?? On this article, we’d be giving you a dig details of them. Learn More about
ways to apply for a Finland visa, documents needed, flight reservations, duration of
processing at the Finland visa application center, etc.

Tourist visa to Finland from Philippines

For Philippines, Applying for a Finland visa is pretty easy. All one need to do is submit their
application to the VFS GLOBAL located in manila. Your application automatically get received
by the Finland Embassy in manila, as well.


Applicants can submit their application docs to the embassy, 6 months before their intended
day of departure, but not later than 15 days. This is because visa applications gets to be
processed in at least, 15 days.

What does Finland visa rush looks like ?

In 2019, the surge of visa application for the schegen country was 895,755. Rejected
applications summed up to 16,894, a 1.9% of the total surge.
The Finland embassy had gotten an entry of 803 applications and rejected 209 (24.7%)

A schengen visa allots foreigners a stay time Of up to 90 days. Applicants would need this
type of visa for any of the following reasons;

  • Private business
  • A sporting/cultural-see trip
  • For private Visits
  • Seamen
  • Whilst having a Family member Of Swiss, EEA, and EU citizenship
  • Tourism

The (schengen) visas are issued as either :


Multiple entry visa- this type of visa is granted for intended repeated consecutive visits by
an applicant. The number of days shall not be exceeded which is, Up to 90 days in a 180-day
stipulation. The Multiple entry Visa valids for a five year period.

A Double entry Visa – allows the issued personel entry into Finland in two consecutive
occasions. Like the M.E.V, this also is valid for up to 90 days in Any 180 day period.

Single entry Visa – As the name implies, allows a holder to stay in Finland For up to 90
days, in just one entry. After this, the visa card goes invalid.

What kind of visa is required to visit Finland?

Catching a connecting flight to Finland requires a totally different kind of visa. You will need
to apply for ;

Airport transit visa : This Type of visa allows it’s holder transit through the international
zone in Cases of a plane’s stop over or switch between two flights, as entry into the national
zone is prohibited for non-citizens. You would be needing a transit visa if you’re from any of
these countries :

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Somaila
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Democratic republic of Congo

If you plan on staying in Finland for a longer than 90 days duration, you will be needing a
residence permit. Find out more about that on their (Finland’s) official embassy website.

How to apply for Finland Visa?

Firstly, an applicant is recommended to go the VFS’s website to find out about the particular
type of visa they will be needing.
Like stated earlier, the type of visa you’d be needing depends on your intent of going to

So knowing the visa you need is the foremost step in Finland’s visa application, else you’re
very likely to get rejected.
Done that?? Here are the next steps to take.

  1. Get Your application and other supporting documents ready.
  2. Book an appointment to visit the application center
  3. Submission of Visa application
  4. Pay the needed fees
  5. Track your application
  6. Go get your passport

Finland Visa Fee

Visa Processing fees are to be paid in cash, although some Missions accept bank/ electronic

Applicants are advised to visit the mission’s website for indepth details.

  • Visa fee (also for a negative decision) is EUR 80
  • Visa fee for kids from 6-11 is EUR 40
  • In accordance with the visa facilitation agreement between the EU and any other third
    world country, the visa fee payable is EUR 35.
  • Fees for an accelerated visa procedure is EUR 70
  • Forms to which A visa is affixed (For persons whose travel Document is not accepted by
    Finland) is EUR 10.

A finland visa can be granted free of charge :

To diplomats (or their families) whose visit will be of considerable importance For
relationship between finland and the foreign state who they’re citizens of.

In occurrence of major disasters or other similar situations, thus supported by
humanitarian goal.

For group(s) of adolescents or school kids participating in a cultural/ academic competition
being held in Finland and invited by the event sponsors.

Valid Reasons For Your Visa’s Rejection

  1. Passport issued for over 10 years – passport issued for over 10 years becomes invalid. So
    you will need to apply for New one before your Visa’s application
  2. Sponsorship letter unprovided- if you’re being Sponsored to Finland, you will have to
    provide a sponsorship letter attached to other potential documents.
  3. Provision of False documents – this is one thing you should never attempt. You will
    probably be unable to visit Finland now, and in future in cases of document falsification.
  4. Trip Unaffordable – your visa application will most likely be denied if the embassy Thinks
    you won’t be able to adequately fund your stay. To avoid this, make sure to provide ample
    evidence that you can be able to afford it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What language do they speak in Finland?

Swedish and Finnish.

Is Finland open for tourists now?

Person may be granted entry into Finland from any country if they present: a certificate of having received complete and valid COVID-19 vaccination series at least 7 days prior to entry. Please refer to the Finnish institute for health and welfare for the approved vaccines.

Can Filipino travel to Finland now?

Most visitors from Philippines will not be allowed to travel to Finland. Find travel restrictions, quarantine and entry requirements to travel Finland.

Where do I get all information I need for a Finland visa?

You can look up to
For all the indepth details you’d be needing about the the schengen finland visa.
Enjoy fun time..!


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